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FullWindow : Another Hot Stuff from me...
This program is written due to the problem I encountered on my CLI window.
The problem is that I am using MoreRows so that my Screen size is 26x82, but
on the startup, AmigaDos only gives me a standard window. I hate to resize it
all the times. Also if you guys using Interlace mode, you will encounter the
same problem, the CLI window only half the height. Don't you also hate to
resize it all the times ?
Usage: FullWindow [tasknumber]
[tasknumber] is the CLI task number, default to current CLI you are in.
Upon invoking the program, it will move the appropiate window to the upper
left corner and it will resize the window the the FULL screen.
example: FullWindow -> resizes up current window
FullWindow 3 -> resizes up task 3 window
FullWindow ? -> will give the usage
If you like it and use it, smile... I am happy. However I will be happier
if you give me a support. It is springtime, you know....
Andry Rachmat:
Plink: OJS180
ALKI Express (206)-937-5800 (new BBS)
AMIC (707)-579-0523
BBS-JC (415)-961-7250
Big City (415)-863-1781
FAUG (415)-595-2479
CHICAGO-BBS (312)-842-1745
Amiga Exchange (202)-439-6220
others...where you can see my name on the board
10715 Roosevelt NE #7
Seattle, WA 98125
FullWindow, Copyright 1987 by Andry Rachmat
This PROGRAM is copyrighted and all RIGHTS reserved.
It is NOT a PUBLIC DOMAIN , however PERMISSION is granted to freely
copy, use and redistribute this program, for non-commercial uses, as long
as this program is not altered in any way and is accompanied with this
It is FORBIDDEN to use or include this program on ANY COMMERCIAL
DISK or PRODUCT, without prior, written permission from the author.
I make no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the
program described herein, its quality, performance, merchantability,
or fitness for any particular purpose. This program is provided "as is"
and the entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the user.
Spring 1987, April 2